About the Gauteng Attorneys' Association
Recognising the common purpose and objects of the Johannesburg Attorneys’ Association (JAA) and the Pretoria Attorneys’ Association (PAA) and in light of the transformation and restructuring of the Legal Profession by the Legal Practice Act 28 of 2014, the JAA and PAA have joined forces to create the Gauteng Attorneys’ Association (GAA).
The GAA represents the interests of all member attorneys and candidate attorneys in Gauteng, as well as the broader interests of all attorneys and candidate attorneys in Gauteng, as well as the public.
This joint venture was undertaken to consolidate the efforts of the two historic associations (who have been serving members of the profession for more than 100 years between the two of them) such that attorneys and candidate attorneys in Gauteng have more of a voice nationally and specifically with Government, in relation to issues of mutual interest.
The GAA intends to facilitate and enhance an independent legal profession for the Province of Gauteng, which broadly reflects the diversity of the Republic.

The Gauteng Attorneys’ Association comprises a federation of the Pretoria Attorneys’ Association, Johannesburg Attorneys’ Association, West Rand Attorneys’ Association, Soweto Legal Fraternity, as well as the East Rand Attorneys’ Association and similar Associations, where each individual association shall keep its identity and members, and which Association forms part of this larger Association all of which work towards common goals and purposes as set out in the Constitution of the GAA.
Membership of the Gauteng Attorneys' Association

All members of the JAA and PAA automatically become members of the GAA. Provision has been made for non-JAA and non-PAA members to join the GAA directly, but only for a limited time.
For more information, please refer to paragraph 6 and paragraph 7 of the Constitution of the GAA.
Inaugural Meeting of the Gauteng Attorneys' Association - 29 August 2018
The GAA held its inaugural meeting on 29 August 2018 at the Protea Hotel in Midrand.