Tiaan Joubert (Chairperson)
Mr. Tiaan Joubert is an admitted attorney since 2000. Mr. Joubert obtained the B-Proc and LLB degrees at the University of Pretoria: Higher Education (Tuks) and also holds a diploma in Labour Law.
Mr. Joubert is a member of the Law Society of the Northern Provinces. He has right of appearance in the High and Magistrate’s Court and is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Pretoria Association of Attorneys from 2009. Headed the administration of the offices of the Pretoria Association of Attorneys’ offices held at the Magistrate’s Court, Pretoria as well as the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria until 2015. Mr. Joubert was also head of the marketing committee and the Deputy Chairman since 2014 and is currently the Chairperson of the Executive Committee at the Pretoria Attorneys Association. Mr. Joubert is a Councellor of the Gauteng Law Society Since 2015 and the convener of the bursary scheme and subsidies sub-committees.
Mnr Tiaan Joubert is ‘n toegelate prokureur vanaf 2000. Mnr Joubert het sy B-Proc en LLB grade verwerf by die Universiteit van Pretoria: Hoër Onderwys en het ook ‘n diploma in Arbeidsreg.
Mnr Joubert is ‘n lid van die Prokureursorde van die Noordelike Provinsies. Hy het reg van verskyning in die Hooggeregshof sowel as Landdroshof. Hy is ook ‘n lid van die Uitvoerende Kommittee van die Pretoria Prokureursvereniging vanaf 2009. Mnr Joubert het aan die hoof gestaan van die administrasie van die kantore van die Pretoria Prokureursvereniging by die Landdroshof, Pretoria sowel as die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, Gauteng Afdeling, Pretoria tot en met 2016. Mnr Joubert was ook die hoof van die bemarking kommittee sowel as Ondervoorsitter sedert 2014 en is huidiglik die Voorsitter van die Pretoria Prokureursvereniging. Mnr Joubert is ‘n Raadslid van die Gauteng Regsraad sedert 2015 sowel as die sameroeper van die beursskema en subsidies subkomitees.
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