Gauteng Attorneys’ Association 2nd Annual General Meeting – Information Pack
Note: This post was updated on 2019-08-08 at 10:00 am.
Dear Members,
The 2nd Annual General Meeting of the Gauteng Attorneys’ Association will be held at the Kyalami Country Club on the 29th of August 2019 at 18:00 for 18:30. Guest speakers and special hosts for the evening include retired Judge Kathy Satchwell, General Manager for BASA, Mr Pierre Venter and Adv. Allen Liversage regarding the Proxi Smart matter.
If you are a member of good standing of any of the following associations then you are entitled to attend. If you would like to attend kindly email your completed registration form to before the 25th of August 2019.
- The Johannesburg Attorneys’ Association
- The Pretoria Attorneys’ Association
- The Westrand Attorneys’ Association
- The Soweto Legal Fraternity
Kindly find below the registration form to confirm your attendance.
Kindly find below the nomination forms for the nomination of a new Executive Committee. Completed nomination forms should be sent to on or before the 09th of August 2019.
Kindly find below the GAA Constitution 2018 and the new draft constitution for your perusal and comment. Comments can be sent to on or before the 9th of August 2019.
The complete information pack for the AGM including the agenda can be downloaded below.
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM.
The Co-Chairpersons of the GAA
Tiaan Joubert and Chantelle Gladwin-Wood